The builder raked up the rubbish into a heap on the ground. The necessity of waste plastics applied in waterproofing materials for construction was summarized in this paper. 建筑工人把废料耙成一堆。概述了废塑料用于化学建材的必要性。
Issue of heap construction for mechanized gold extraction by heap leaching process in arid and windy area 在风大干旱地区机械化堆浸提金的筑堆问题
Aiming to improve the metal recovery of ore heap leaching, the synthetical influence of multifactors, such as ore nature, heap construction, ore size distribution, solution spreading way and intensity, lixiviant solution as well as leaching environment are analyzed. 以提高矿石堆浸浸出率为目的,分析了矿石性质、浸堆构筑、矿石粒度、布液方式及布液强度、溶浸液以及浸出环境等多因素的综合影响。
Scientific method of heap construction is an important guarantee and key link for massive mechanized gold extraction by heap leaching process. 科学的筑堆方法,是大规模机械化堆浸提金获取成功的重要保证,它是实施堆浸提金工程的关键技术环节。
Based on the concentration ratio of ferric to ferrous, ore particle interstice, ore particle size, heap construction and other chemical components, the kinetic model of the secondary copper heap bioleaching was proposed. 基于堆中溶液Fe3+与Fe2+的浓度比、颗粒空隙度、颗粒半径与各化学反应组分对次生硫化铜矿生物堆浸的影响,建立堆浸过程硫化矿细菌氧化反应速率动力学模型。
In aspects of heap carrying to prepare to press construction, relevant technique norm provision can pass generally level moves with sink to decline to prognosticate control to add the velocity. 在堆载预压施工方面,有关技术规范规定一般可通过水平位移和沉降观测来控制加荷速率。
In order to control the heap shape and generate suitable relief space, special consideration was given to undercut slot layout and construction method. 为保证堆形规整和提供合适的补偿空间,对切割槽的布置及施工方法进行了探讨;
According to soft ground treatment tests of Shanghai F1 autodrome, authors discuss some aspects of the vacuum and heap loading combined pre-compaction soft ground treatment technology such as construction principles, construction process and quality control and so forth. 通过上海F1赛车场软基处理试验,从工艺原理、工艺流程及质量控制几个方面对真空堆载联合预压软基处理技术进行探讨。
On this basis, for any shape, heap and stratified soil mass, this method could work out the soil pressure of the supporting structure at any time so as to provide the theoretical basis for the design and construction of supporting structure. 都可以由本方法计算出支挡结构上任意时刻的土压力,从而为支挡结构的设计及施工提供理论依据。
Refuse dump and heap are a most important aspect about the destruction of mining land resource, and the construction of over-high steps is an innovative countermeasure. 排土场、矸石山占地是采矿业对土地破坏极重要的方面,超高台阶排土场建设是减少采矿业对土地资源破坏的创新对策。
Climbing formwork structure weight in the analysis, the heap as set construction, temporary construction loads, wind loads and other load cases on the basis of checking the anchor bolt shear and uplift the performance of local carrying capacity of the concrete. 在分析爬架结构自重、施工堆载、施工临时荷载、风荷载等荷载工况的基础上,验算了锚栓的抗剪、抗拔性能、混凝土的局部承载能力。
In chapter two, according to the location, ditch as boundary, heap earth over mound, sacrifice construction, tomb conformation, tragedian and the introduction by managers, the inheritance and development of Qin shihuang Mausoleum park from Qin emperor mausoleums. 第二章通过选址、围沟、封土、祭祀性建筑、墓葬结构、陪葬系统和管理人员等方面的介绍秦始皇帝陵园对秦公帝王陵墓的继承和发展。